Помните, я рассказывала вам, как мы с дочкой читаем книжки, и в качестве примера приводила сказку "The Magic Pear Tree"? Знаете, эта китайская сказка так нам полюбилась, что недавно мы провели по ней целую ролевую игру с элементами творчества и театрального представления. Не обошлось и без лингвистики. Но обо всём по порядку.
Чтобы вам было понятнее, о чём речь, и чтобы вы могли повторить нашу игру, я приведу здесь сказку целиком. К сожалению, я не смогу показать вам великолепные иллюстрации, которыми щедро украшена каждая страница сборника:
"Selfish Shen lived all by himself, in a little house with a big garden.
In the middle of his garden grew a tree. One summer, it was covered in sweet, golden pears.
There were far too many for Shen. But he couldn't bear the thought of sharing them with anyone else.
Instead, he picked every single pear and packed them into a box. "I'll sell them at the market," he chuckled greedily. "They should fetch a pretty penny!"
Shen set his box of pears on a table and called out to the people browsing in the market. "Pears for sale!"
A beggar stopped to admire the plump, golden fruit. "Please could I have one?" he asked.
Shen looked at the beggar's rags and frowned. "Can you pay?" he snapped.
"No," said the beggar sadly, holding up empty hands. "I don't have any money."
"Then go away and stop bothering me!" shouted Shen.
"How mean!" A kind woman overheard Shen shouting.
She tapped Shen on the shoulder. "Couldn't you spare just one pear?" she said gently. "After all," she went on, "the poor man must be hungry and you have more than enough to share."
"NO!" yelled Shen selfishly. And he glared at her over the pears. Shen
Shen expected the woman to give up and go away. But instead, she pulled out her purse and bought a pear... and gave it to the beggar herself.
"Thank you," said the beggar gratefully. "That was very kind of you."
The beggar gazed hungrily at the pear for a moment. Then he gobbled it up, stalk and all. In a few gulps, it was gone. A moment later, he spat out a handful of little black seeds.
"Mmm, delicious," sighed the beggar, licking the last of the juice from his lips. He turned to the woman. "Now, it's my turn to give you a pear."
"Aha!" cried Shen. "So you DO have money! You were just pretending to be poor, to try and trick me."
But the beggar shook his head. "No," he said, looking Shen straight in the eye. "Truly, I haven't got a penny."
The woman was puzzled. "If you have no money, how will you get another pear?" she asked.
The beggar smiled. "I'll show you," he said. "Just watch this..."
A crowd of curious passers-by joined Shen and the woman to watch.
The beggar dug a little hole and dropped in the handful of seeds. He whispered some magic words...
Then he glanced up. "Please could I have some hot water?" he asked.
A tea-seller brought over a pot of steaming tea. "Will this do?" he asked.
"Perfect," cried the beggar.
Carefully, the beggar poured hot tea into the hole. Steam billowed up, hiding everything for a moment.
When it cleared, the crowd gasped. Something was shooting up out of the hole - something with twigs and leaves. "It must be magic!"
The something grew and grew. It grew into a magnificent tree, with gleaming leaves and golden pears.
When the tree had stopped growing, the beggar picked a pear and handed it to the woman.
"Mmm, delicious," she exclaimed, between sweet, juicy mouthfuls.
The beggar turned to the crowd. "Who else would like a pear?"
"Me! Me! Me!" they shouted, reaching out eager hands.
The beggar picked pear after golden pear, handing them out to the crowd, until the tree was bare.
Everyone got one - even selfish Shen. It was the best pear he had ever tasted. "Mmm, delicious!"
Now everyone was busy eating, no one was watching the beggar. Quickly, quietly, he chopped down the tree and strolled away.
When Shen finished his pear, he glanced around - and gasped in shock. He could not believe his eyes. All of his precious pears had gone! And their wooden box was chopped to pieces. "Wh-wh-what?" he stuttered. "H-how?"
All too late, he realized. "We've been tricked," he yelled. "Those pears the beggar picked - they were mine! The beggar turned my box into a tree by magic, so he could steal me pears. That mean old thief!"
Shen was absolutely furious at the beggar's trick. He was left with nothing but a red face. The crowd just laughed.
"You deserved it," they told him. "Now perhaps you'll be less selfish next time.""
Итак, прочитав сказку несколько раз, мы с дочкой одновременно поняли, что не можем отпустить её просто так. Даша предложила: "Let's role play it", и я с радостью согласилась.
Начать я решила с обсуждения значений незнакомых для Даши слов. Я спросила её, как она понимает слово "selfish", и мы вместе дали ему определение. Затем мы обсудили поведение главного героя, а также поприводили другие примеры, каких людей можно назвать эгоистичными.
Затем мы перешли к другим словам. Я быстро просматривала текст сказки и одно за другим называла трудные слова. А Даша находила среди карточек букву, с которой начинается каждое слово. Потом мы пытались угадать значения слов, после чего проверяли себя по словарю. Даша очень порадовалась, что все предложенные нами варианты практически дословно совпадали со словарными дефинициями:
Слово | Определение
to snap | to speak sharply
to glare | to look angrily
to gobble up | to eat quickly and greedily
a gulp | a quick swallow
to glance | to look briefly
to billow | to move in large waves
to stroll | to walk slowly along |
Затем дочка составила некоторые из новых слов, а также наименования главных героев с помощью карточек с изображениями букв:
selfish Shen
При этом я не называла слова по буквам, как раньше - вместо этого я медленно произносила звуки каждого слова: сначала первый, потом первый вместе со вторым и так далее. Это звучало так: [s] - [st] - [str] и т.д.
Надо заметить, что подобное занятие с лексикой я устраивала с дочкой впервые - но оно прошло на ура и понравилось Даше. Я даже удивилась, т.к. совершенно не ожидала ни такого энтузиазма, ни такой отдачи.
Потом мы перешли к творческой части. Пока Даша рисовала фон для инсценировки сказки (грушевое дерево, дом и огород Шена), я распечатала, вырезала и раскрасила персонажей:

Нам осталось лишь слепить груши и ящик для них из пластилина, что мы и сделали с удовольствием:

Играли в сказку мы уже в другой день, т.к. подготовка заняла довольно много времени. Было весело, а угоститься грушами пришли очень многие из Дашиных игрушек.
P.S. Наша игра участвует в проекте "Читай и вытворяй".
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