Мы с дочкой любим слушать аудиозаписи. Каждый раз радиостанция BBC находит, чем нас порадовать, но на прошлой неделе они превзошли сами себя. Передача была построена вокруг известной детской сказки "The Magic Porridge Pot" - да-да, это разновидность той самой сказки братьев Гримм, слова из которой и вы наверняка помните: "Горшочек, вари!" и "Горшочек, не вари!"
Нам пришлось прослушать передачу несколько раз, прежде чем мы смогли запомнить волшебные слова, чтобы разыграть сказку. А в процессе аудирования и сам сюжет истории запомнился Даше чуть ли не дословно:
"Once upon a hungry time there was a little boy called Ted who lived with his Dad on the edge of a forest near a small village. Ted and his Dad were very poor and had nothing to eat in the whole house and no money to buy any food. Their tommies felt as empty as balloons.
One day Ted was out walking in the forest when he met a kind old woman who said, "Here Ted, take this magic pot. You will never go hungry again if you say these magic words:
Bubble bubble
Porridge pot
Make me porridge
Make a lot."
As soon as she had said the words, the porridge started to bubble
bubble bubble bubble
until it was full of lovely hot porridge.
"Help, it's going to spill over," said Ted.
"Oh, this will never happen as long as you remember these words," said the old woman.
"Magic porridge
Cooking pot
No more porridge
That's the lot."
No sooner had she said the words, then the pot stopped bubbling.
Ted thanked the woman very much and hurried back to the cottage. He couldn't wait to show his Daddy.
"A pot! A pot! We can't eat a pot!" said his Dad. So Ted said the magic words:
"Bubble bubble
Porridge pot
Make me porridge
Make a lot."
Just as before, the pot started to bubble with a
bubble bubble bubble
until it was full of lovely hot porridge.
"Oh, it's going to spill over," said Ted's Dad.
"Ha-ha-ha, it will never do that as long as we remember the magic words," said Ted.
"Magic porridge
Cooking pot
No more porridge
That's the lot."
Then they both ate the porridge with great big slurps. At last their tommies felt full and not as empty as balloons any more.
Ted and his Dad loved the magic porridge pot and everything was fine. But unfortunately one day something terrible happened.
While Ted was out in the forest collecting wood for the fire, his Dad suddenly became very very hungry. He thought he'd make some porridge.
"Oh, I'll only make a little bit," he thought. So he said the magic words:
"Bubble bubble
Porridge pot
Make me porridge
Make a lot."
Immediately the pot started to bubble with a
bubble bubble bubble
until it was full of lovely hot porridge. Ted'd Dad started to eat but he forgot to say the magic words to stop the pot bubbling. It wasn't long before the porridge started to spill over the top with a
bubble bubble bubble
"No, no, no," said Ted's Dad trying to remember the magic words:
"Bubble bubble
Porridge pot
Stop making porridge
Because I've got a lot. Please,"
he said. But they weren't the right words. So the magic porridge pot just kept on bubbling with a
bubble bubble bubble
It wasn't long before the porridge bubbled right out of the pot and onto the floor, then out of the door, bubbled fast across the grass, then it flowed and flowed right through the path and onto the road. It bubbled along the street, over folk's feet and went round the corner and into the square till soon there was porridge everywhere.
By the time Ted had returned the whole village was a huge bubbling sea of porridge. Then he saw his Dad being swept away on a moving spliting splating sploting river of porridge.
"Oh, Ted," he cried.
Ted had to use the magic words and fast:
"Magic porridge
Cooking pot
No more porridge
That's the lot."
At long last the magic pot stopped bubbling. But by now the whole village was covered in an ocean of porridge.
Then Ted said:
"I know, let's all have a porridge party!"
So everyone ate well that day and all their tommies felt full. And the whole village knew that no one would ever go hungry again as long as they remembered to use the right magic words."
На следующее утро, когда у нас на плите варилась каша в кастрюльке, я вспомнила волшебные слова и мы с дочкой вместе пересказали сказку, чтобы не осталось абсолютно никаких непонятых мест. Как правило, я начинала предложения, а Даша их заканчивала. Не могу не отметить, что в то время как я больше говорила своими словами, дочка в очередной раз удивила меня тем, что выдавала целые куски текста из аудиосказки, которые она запомнила накануне.
После этого мы обсудили сказку: я задавала вопросы и мы вместе пытались найти на них ответы в беседе. Таким образом мы обговорили все ключевые моменты сказки:
- What is porridge made from? ~ Porridge is made from bits of grain that has been added to warm or hot water and stirred up like a soup.
- What meal do we usually eat porridge for? ~ For breakfast.
- Years ago, porridge was eaten for lots of meals. Why do you think it was so? ~ Because it was cheap.
- Did Ted and his Dad have the money to buy the grain to make the porridge? ~ No, they didn't.
- How do you think the village people felt about having to eat their way back into their houses? Do you think they complained? ~ No, they didn't. They were happy.
- What was good about that? ~ They didn't feel hungry any more.
- Do you think it's nice to have food while everyone else is hungry? ~ No, I don't think so.
- Would you share your food with neighbours if you were Ted? ~ I would.
И, конечно, мы разыграли сказку. Для этого нам понадобилось совсем мало реквизита: всего одна кастрюля, две тарелки и ложки.
Я взяла на себя роль старушки, а затем и отца мальчика, а Даша прекрасно справилась с ролью Теда. Как всегда, диалог получился живым, динамичным, а также значительно дополненным и расширенным по сравнению с самой сказкой.
P.S. Наша игра участвует в проекте "Читай и вытворяй".
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