It was autumn. The weather was dry and sunny. The fruits and berries on the trees had got ripe and were extremely happy. Their dreams had come true as now they could feel they were needed: people picked them, enjoyed their taste and made jam. It rejoiced the trees to see that children did not rush by any more but always stopped and never left without choosing the ripest apple or the reddest cherry.
Only the ash-berry tree was sad. Despite all its beauty, no one seemed inclined to try its berries. "It must be just that my time hasn't come yet", sighed the tree.
As to the leaves, their spirits were also high. Instead of being green and looking like one another they had now turned different shades of red, orange, yellow and brown and each enjoyed its individuality.
But everything changed when the wind began to blow tearing leaves off the trees. Some of them fell down on the ground forming a thick carpet, others floated on the river like small ships. "What will become of us now?" wondered the leaves. "Are we going to die under snow? Doesn't anyone need us?"
One day a girl came out for a walk. She began to collect fallen leaves and ash-berries. It seemed to make her happy.
The girl took the leaves home and put them into a big book to dry. When they were dry, she used them to make an appliqu?.

She used some of the ash-berries for beads.

She also made jam for her dolls.

The girl's gentle touch and a smile on her face made the leaves and berries feel over the moon with happiness. Still they couldn't help being sorry for their fellows, especially now that a prolonged autumn rain had begun.
And the girl said, "Mum, let's bring home all of them!"
Oh that is so beautiful! A very charming and sweet tale.
Thank you, Tanya! My daughter likes it because she suspects it is about her.
That's great! I can't even decide what language I like it more
Maria, what a pleasant surprise it is to see you here.
Love it love it, both in English and in Russian!
Ariana, I'm glad to hear that.
Those ash-berry beads are soooo nice!!! It`s really hard not to be sorry about all that autumn charming beauty will soon have its gold-and-red richness fade!
Thank you, Olga. Nice to see you here.