Авторские странички

Моя переписка с зубной феей

fairy-tooth-small.jpgПривет всем! Меня зовут Даша. Мне 9 лет. Это моя первая статья на этом сайте. Она посвящена теме зубных фей. Для начала я расскажу вам, какая фея прилетает ко мне. Её имя Sparkle, вот она на фотке.

История одного телефона

DSC09403_0.JPGДочка увидела на картинке в книжке сотовый телефон из фетра и попросила меня сшить его. Она сказала:

"This is a bimbophone! I want to have one of my own."

Меня очень повеселило название "bimbophone" и я стала спрашивать у дочки, откуда она его взяла. Но Даша не смогла дать ответ.

Getting Things Done

Clock-2_0.JPGIt has always been difficult for children to grasp the concept of time. Time is abstract and intangible. It seems to have nothing to do with everyday activities. But parents keep looking at clocks and watches and insist on getting things done. Done on time.

Mother and Child Relationship

Childhood_0.jpgTwo of the most important relationships in one's life are the relationship with one's mother and the relationship with one's child. This post is a collection of quotes and links from different sources. All of them have reached the very bottom of my heart.

On my way

22 June 2009

I remember that day like it happened a couple of days ago. It still aches in the deep shades of my mind to see the faces of my dear parents, giving me last goodbyes before we separated for a long time.

My Emerald Soul

images_0.jpegOnce upon a time…

That's how about any fairy tale starts, is it not so?

Well, as for me, I think it’s about time to share the part of my life which makes other people wonder, “Does things like that really happen to people?”. Let me tell you the story about a simple girl with highly unusual life. That is the real story about real people. And if this will be hard to believe, don’t worry, it can happen to anyone - you never know…

Диалог с пятиклассницей

Сегодня с ученицей 5 класса делали домашнее задание по учебнику "Enjoy English". Текст был о профессии телохранителя. Прочитали заголовок, но она не знает как переводится слово.

On education

Интересные мысли об обучении и образовании из моей записной книжки. Автора не помню.

A house with four rooms

house1.jpgНаткнулась на индийскую пословицу, прочитала и переключилась на другие дела. Но вот уже второй день ловлю себя на том, что я возвращаюсь к ней в мыслях. И учусь жить и действовать в соответствии с ней.

About imagination

Цитаты о воображении.

About Teachers and Teaching

Хочу поделиться цитатами из записной книжки. Автора не знаю.

Yoga in Everyday Life

yoga.JPGЯ начала читать книгу "Yoga Self-Taught" by Andre Van Lysebeth, привезённую не один десяток лет назад из Индии. История, приведённая на первых страницах, поразила меня до глубины души.

An Autumn Story

Ashberry-jam_0.jpgIt was autumn. The weather was dry and sunny. The fruits and berries on the trees had got ripe and were extremely happy. Their dreams had come true as now they could feel they were needed: people picked them, enjoyed their taste and made jam. It rejoiced the trees to see that children did not rush by any more but always stopped and never left without choosing the ripest apple or the reddest cherry.

Only the ash-berry tree was sad. Despite all its beauty, no one seemed inclined to try its berries. "It must be just that my time hasn't come yet", sighed the tree. 

Travelling with a Kid

DSC02611_0.JPGBefore our first trip to the sea I often wondered what age a kid should be to be able to spend three days in a car. A girl I know who is a mother of three said the best age to travel with kids is when they are newborn because they don't need any food or drink and haven't got any particular preferences. I lifted my eyebrows in surprise and couldn't believe her. Anyway, it was too late for me to check for my daughter wasn't newborn any more.

Femininity as I See it

femininity.jpgWhen I was a small girl, I remember looking at different women in search of a role model. I thought that if I found her, I would know for certain what kind of woman I would like to be. Years passed. While growing up, I got acquainted with a lot of different women about whom there was something I liked. One of them was gay and talkative, another always looked great wearing designer clothes and impeccable makeup. I got to know some women who were extremely wise and others who were charming in their childlike manner. But I failed to find the one who I wanted to resemble.

My Black Sea

Sea.jpgI love water. Which is no wonder for I was born under the Cancer zodiac sign. It makes me feel calm, relaxed and in peace with myself. The proximity of a river, lake and especially sea brings comfort to my life. As to an ocean, I have never seen one.

The Power of Here and Now

here-now.jpgI've always found it difficult to concentrate on here and now. Instead I tend to find myself living either in the past or in the future. Although I am well aware that multi-tasking is a myth, it's hard for me to focus on what I'm doing at the moment without thinking of my future plans or giving inner feedback on the activities I have accomplished (or, more often, haven't accomplished). One of my favourite quotations is "Take one step at a time" though I have failed to live up to it so far.

A Road to God

Cathedral-8_0.jpgAlthough I can't call myself a very religious person, several times a year I feel an urge to get away from everything and feel closer to God. At such moments 300 km north in the morning and the same 300 km back in the evening does not seem a long way to go. We pack some snacks and primary necessities and start as early as we can in order to be back before bedtime.

The road is familiar. The first landmark is so called Russian Venice: a number of houses standing by the edge of water. Then a city named Nizhny Tagil. Finally the cafe where we unalterably have dinner approaching which means we are near our destination. All along the way on both sides of the road there are woods. Sometimes we stop and get out of the car to stretch our legs and let our daughter  give vent to the accumulated energy. But after seeing a snake one day we don't go deep into the woods any more.

Envy: a Motivator or a Brake

envy.jpgRecently I have noticed myself mention the word "envy" a couple of times. It set my philological and also psychologically-oriented mind thinking. As the term is not normally very widely used, I decided to investigate into the matter.

It always makes sense to start with a definition. Here is how Wikipedia defines envy.

Blog Entry or Story?

blogging.jpgHaving become a blogger, I was surprised to find myself interested in such a thing as writing. I came to believe that inside every blogger there is a writer.

When you come to think of it, a blog entry is like a story in many ways. As a blog author first of all I have to form an idea of what I'm going to write about, then develop it, trying to keep my entry quite short. Like a story, a blog entry has to have its readers, without whom it can't be complete and whose comments add very much to its appeal.
